A Year Long Journey Into The Wilderness Of Your Heart & Soul

Imagine being in a circle of women, steeped in sisterhood, and spending time outdoors with the collective intention to be the fullest, truest expression of yourself. You will be a part of a community that gathers to powerfully witness and support one another, while creating personal rites of passage in nature to return to that deep part of yourself that’s been lost.  You will learn practices so that you can become deeply grounded and clear in your daily life.

Are you feeling…?

-Disconnected from the people you love because you are too preoccupied in your head

-Stuck in grief, sadness, overwhelm, confusion or anger (and fearful it will just get worse)

-Afraid that you will never feel like yourself again

-Too stressed to create and nurture authentic connections with others

-You live your life in front of a screen and never get to spend time outdoors


Who Are You When You Remember Yourself?

Woman in Woods


– YOURSELF again? Joyful. Free. Grounded. Alive!

– Clear and deliberate with your communication and decisions?

– The Woman You Know Yourself To Be!

– A part of a community of amazing, loving, supportive women?

– Connected and nurtured by the Earth and your Spirit!


This Yearlong Women’s Earth Spirit Circle brings together nature-based practices and embodied spiritual practices. Through this union of connecting with the Earth and Spirit, we find our true ground to help us navigate life’s challenges or start new chapters. We experience ourselves as whole, interconnected and loved!


Together with an intimate group of like -minded women, you will experience…

  • Nurturing a connection with a beautiful place in nature over the course of the four seasons.
  • Building a community that will love and support you and your intentions.
  • Your true self through a deep, sustaining connection with the Earth and have that reflected to you in a circle of women who are supporting and seeing the real you.
  • Embodied spiritual practices, rooted in Vajrayana Buddhism and Western Psychology
  • Approaches from the fields of Ecopyschology, Somatic Psychology & Expressive Arts Therapy
  • 4 daylongs over the course of the four seasons in the same location to cultivate a sustaining relationship to place
  • 3-Day Nature Retreat where you will create your own personal Rites of Passage.
  • 9-Day wilderness journey, including a three day solo, where you will move through any stuck energy, claim a life change you are ready to make, ask important life questions, and receive the nurturing and solace of nature.
  • Sweat Lodge Ceremony and Celebration Feast to culminate our journey together.


When Did You Last Make Space Woman solo on dock

For The Hopes, Fears and Dreams

Of Your Heart and Soul?





  • This will be a small, intimate Women’s Circle, with approximately 7 participants.
  • Healthy, organic meals will be provided during the three day Nature Retreat and the nine day Wilderness Journey.
  • The Nature Retreat is a car camping site, which includes bathrooms with showers.
  • The Wilderness Journey is a combination of a car camping site and a backpacking site. You don’t need previous experience backpacking but do need to be able to carry your own gear.
  • You will need to provide your own camping gear for the Retreat and the Wilderness Journey.  We will provide you with a gear list and our best recommendations to be safe and comfortable.
  • The site for the Saturday Daylongs has a campground, for those who want to camp the night before and/or after.  You will need to make your own arrangements and pay the campground fee.
  • Thursday evening meetings from 7-9pm take place in Amy’s peaceful, secluded home in Larkspur.
  • We encourage you to carpool and will assist you in coordinating with each other.


When & Where: April 29, 2023- April 7, 2024

  • 4 Nature Daylongs: April 29 & September 9, 2023, February 24, 2024
  • Nature Retreat: May 27-29, 2023
  • Wilderness Quest: July 26-August 6, 2023
  • Thursday indoor meetings: 11 total, 7-9pm, dates given upon request
  • Sweat Lodge Ceremony: March 2024, exact date TBA
  • Culmination & Celebration Retreat: April 5-7, 2023


Fee: WNR Flower MandalaYour investment includes all meetings, outdoor excursions, and the sweat lodge. Plus organic meals and camping accommodations for all of the overnight trips. Fee structure will be discussed during the interview. Payment plans and scholarships available. 7% of proceeds are donated to the Tree Sisters organization.


Guides: Amy Biesemeyer


To Register: Please contact Amy Biesemeyer at Amy@OneNatureTherapy.com. Amy will be interviewing women in order to create a group of 6 to 8 compatible women for this incredible journey and sisterhood to form.